720p Resolution
Author: illusion
Only useful for base console.
You may modifiy this to 50% for Pro console for (almost) 60FPS in 4k output mode, otherwise set output to 1080p and disable supersampling.
In file eboot.bin
Code 1.01 (Click to Expand)
48 8B 05 59 9E CF 05 C5 F0 57 C9 C5 FA 10 00
C5 F0 57 C9 C7 04 20 0A 57 85 42 C5 FA 10 00
Code 1.10 (Click to Expand)
48 8B 05 49 B1 3E 06 C5 F0 57 C9 C5 FA 10 00
C5 F0 57 C9 C7 04 20 0A 57 85 42 C5 FA 10 00